Recommended metering IC: CS5460.The CS5460A is a highly integrated Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADCs that includes two Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converters (ADCs ,...

What chip can measure the instantaneous data of current, voltage and power?

Recommended metering IC: CS5460.

The CS5460A is a highly integrated Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADCs) that includes two Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), high-speed power computing capabilities, and a serial interface. It can accurately measure and calculate active energy, instantaneous power, IRMS and VRMS for the development of single-phase 2-wire or 3-wire meters. The CS5460A can measure current with a low-cost shunt or transformer, and voltage with a divider resistor or voltage transformer. The CS5460A has a bidirectional serial port for communication with the microcontroller, and the pulse output frequency of the chip is proportional to the active energy. The CS5460A features convenient on-chip AC\/DC system calibration.

The \"self-boot\" feature enables the CS5460A to work alone and automatically initialize after the system is powered on. In self-boot mode, the CS5460A reads calibration data and startup instructions from an external EEPROM. The CS5460A works when using this mode

No additional microcontroller is required, so the cost of the meter can be reduced when the meter is used for the measurement of large quantities of residential energy.