A hundred degrees.The general chip will not have a problem working at 90 degrees Celsius or even 100 degrees Celsius for a short time, but even if it can run stably, it will be ver...

What is the maximum temperature that a graphics card can withstand?

A hundred degrees.

The general chip will not have a problem working at 90 degrees Celsius or even 100 degrees Celsius for a short time, but even if it can run stably, it will be very dangerous to work for a long time in this state.

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It is best to ensure that the core temperature is displayed at 90 degrees for daily use, and if the temperature is often exceeded when playing games in the summer, it is recommended not to play, on the one hand, it will affect the life of the device, and on the other hand, because the cpu is often due to high temperature at the same time, the game experience will be greatly reduced.

The temperature of the desktop graphics card is about 70 degrees, and when it reaches about 70 degrees, there will be a fixed version crash and a blue screen restart screen is very card phenomenon! A laptop can withstand temperatures 10 degrees higher than a desktop and the problems are the same.