The laptop's video card is broken, and the general memory chip is more bad than can only be changed for video memory, which is the meaning of changing the chip. Changing the video...

Many laptop graphics cards are soldered on, what if the graphics card breaks?

The laptop's video card is broken, and the general memory chip is more bad than can only be changed for video memory, which is the meaning of changing the chip. Changing the video card memory is still more troublesome. 1. To change the model of the exact same chip, otherwise it will not be used. 2. Professional tools should be used to weld video memory, and the chip should be taken off with the BGA disassembly table. Brush the solder paste with steel mesh and plant tin beads on the new chip. And the motherboard solder joint will be cleaned, the chip with a mold fixed position. Put it on the bga assembly stage for welding. Things like this are technical. It takes a certain degree of expertise to complete. It's more troublesome.

The laptop graphics card is broken and cannot be replaced separately. Because the graphics card is generally welded to the motherboard. If the graphics card is broken, it needs to be replaced with the motherboard. Laptop design precision, not the use of general accessories, motherboard disassembly complex, such as replacement of the motherboard recommended to the brand's special service point. Replace the original model. Must be replaced by the manufacturer's people, they are not good.

The volume inside the notebook is tight, the graphics card is welded to the motherboard above, if the graphics card is broken, in the warranty period of direct after-sales processing on the line, if the warranty period, many chip level maintenance outside, you can replace the graphics card chip through the device, but only the same type of graphics card chip.