Both graphics chips and cpu chips are difficult to manufacture, but there are some differences between them. In general, making graphics chips is a bit more difficult.At the heart...

Which is more difficult to manufacture, graphics chips or cpu chips?

Both graphics chips and cpu chips are difficult to manufacture, but there are some differences between them. In general, making graphics chips is a bit more difficult.

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At the heart of a graphics chip is the GPU, a microprocessor that specializes in image computing on personal computers, workstations, game consoles and some mobile devices. The performance of GPU directly affects the display performance of electronic products. Manufacturing high-end Gpus requires more complex technology and processes, so it is relatively difficult to manufacture graphics chips.

A CPU chip is a multi-core chip with computing and control functions, usually consisting of multiple processor cores, caches, and input\/output units. Manufacturing CPU chips requires high-precision processes and complex technologies, but relatively speaking, manufacturing is slightly less difficult than graphics chips.