The simplest stepper motor is \"four-phase and five-wire stepper motor\" ---- The operation is very simple, 5 lines, respectively, VCC, A, B, C, D----A B, C, D respectively corresp...

89c51 and 80C51 control stepper motors?

The simplest stepper motor is \"four-phase and five-wire stepper motor\" ---- The operation is very simple, 5 lines, respectively, VCC, A, B, C, D----A B, C, D respectively correspond to the four feet of ULN2003 chip and the other four feet are connected to IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4----IN1~IN4 respectively correspond to the IO port of microcontroller 89C51, which can be P1^0 ~P1^3, of course, you can also choose other IO ports, it doesn't matter ---- control program is also very simple, just the simplest four-beat control method, the principle is to set a high level for four IO ports in turn, that is, set " 1 & # 34; ---- Example:

1. Set A high level - set the other 3 low levels - delay 3ms(can be adjusted slower, because too fast, the motor gear will be bitten)2. Set B high - set the other 3 low - delay 3ms3. Set C high (that is, set " 1 & # 34;) ~~~~4. Is it easy to set D high ~~~~~~~ and then go back and set A high again, and set the rest low, and so on? Purely by hand, all principle, if you patiently read, I believe you must know how to control the stepper motor control chip, can be ULN2003 can also be L298N, etc., are the same principle