贴片芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 3:03 14
A five-pin buck chip usually consists of an amplifier and an output circuit that can output a lower voltage current at a high voltage. The following are the pin functions of the fi...

Five-pin step-down chip pin function?

A five-pin buck chip usually consists of an amplifier and an output circuit that can output a lower voltage current at a high voltage. The following are the pin functions of the five-pin step-down chip:

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Input (IN): The input end of the chip is connected to an external circuit and is used to measure the input voltage.

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Ground (GND): The ground of the chip is connected to the negative power terminal to ensure that the voltage between the external circuit and the chip is stable.

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Output (OUT): The output of the chip is connected to an external circuit for driving electronic devices.

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Amplifier tube (amplifier tube): The amplifier tube of the chip is used as an amplifier to amplify the voltage output from the input to a higher voltage.

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power: The chip's power pin is connected to an external circuit for charging and driving the chip.

1. Input voltage, output voltage, ground, enable, and feedback.
2. Input voltage is the voltage that the chip needs to be reduced, output voltage is the voltage after the chip output voltage is reduced, ground is the grounding pin of the chip, enable is the pin that controls the chip switch, and feedback is the pin that controls the stability of the output voltage. 3. In addition to the above five pin functions, there are some other pins that the five-pin step-down chip may have, such as overcurrent protection pins, temperature protection pins, etc.
The function of these pins can be determined depending on the specific chip model.

5-pin step-down chip pin functions: 1 pin power control pressure, 2 pin output pressure, 3 pin input pressure, 4 pin output pressure, 5 pin input end pressure.