芯片工程师ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:56 36
Have to admit that the employment prospects of MEMS in the country is not as good as IC and DEVICE, but MEMS is also a sunrise industry, is currently in a rising period, domestic M...

What is the future of mems chips?

Have to admit that the employment prospects of MEMS in the country is not as good as IC and DEVICE, but MEMS is also a sunrise industry, is currently in a rising period, domestic MEMS people are not many, most are doing research, employment prospects in these years is better than in previous years, but it is still so-so.

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There are a lot of MEMS final switch circuits, devices and even communications, because those are better to find work, and MEMS, relatively speaking, it is a little easier to go abroad ~ employment may become better in a few years ~