芯片工程师ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:56 30
IC test engineers can be classified as one of the research and development categories, but are not exactly equivalent to research and development engineers. The main responsibility...

Does IC Test engineer count as R&D?

IC test engineers can be classified as one of the research and development categories, but are not exactly equivalent to research and development engineers. The main responsibility of the IC test engineer is to verify and test the integrated circuit products to ensure that the quality and performance of the products meet the specifications.

This requires them to conduct testing and analysis using various test equipment and tools to identify and solve problems in circuit design and production.

While they may not understand the physical aspects of circuits as deeply as design engineers, they need to have a solid grounding in electronics technology and testing experience to assist the design team in ensuring the final performance of the product. Therefore, an IC test engineer can be considered an important member of a research and development team.