芯片工程师ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:55 35
The prospects are good. At present, the number of domestic enterprises in the chip design industry is more than 1700, the market size is large, and the industry concentration is no...

What is the prospect of joining the chip industry?

The prospects are good. At present, the number of domestic enterprises in the chip design industry is more than 1700, the market size is large, and the industry concentration is not high; In addition, the domestic chip design industry has a large scale of demand, and continues to grow under the drive of the Internet of Things, 5G, artificial intelligence and other industries, and domestic enterprises have more opportunities to invest in equity and technology.

The chip industry is divided into chip design and chip process, China's chip design is not bad, such as Huawei ZTE and other companies, can design a 5 nanometer chip, unfortunately, there is no ability to produce chips, China has been in this aspect of the card, so the emergence of the country is to solve the weakness of China's chip, So now the prospect of making chips is still very big

Some people say that to see whether a chip company is really doing something, it is enough to look at two indicators:

First, the cost of buying EDA tools and IP licenses, as well as the support of AE from suppliers;

The second is whether the money given to the recruitment of employees is powerful and whether it is competitive in the market. Whether the flow film funds are sufficient, the more advanced the process, the higher the cost. To do these two points is enough to show that the company is indeed doing real things, the water depth is big, the salary is naturally superior, 60w, and this is what kind of requirements? Comparable to financial industry luminaries