芯片工程师ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:55 40
The chip industry overall salary level is high: the chip industry is a high-tech industry, belongs to the talent-intensive industry, chip engineers in the design, verification, man...

Why is Shanghai chip verification engineer's salary high?

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The chip industry overall salary level is high: the chip industry is a high-tech industry, belongs to the talent-intensive industry, chip engineers in the design, verification, manufacturing and other links need to have the corresponding professional knowledge and skills, so the chip industry overall salary level is high.

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Shanghai chip industry rapid development: Shanghai as China's chip industry, the rapid development of the chip industry in recent years, the number of chip companies continue to increase, the chip market demand continues to grow, resulting in the demand for chip engineers also increased.

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Chip engineers in short supply: Because the chip industry needs to have high professional knowledge and skills, the training cycle and cost of chip engineers are high, so the supply of chip engineers on the market is in short supply, and the corresponding salary level is also high.

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In summary, the high salary of Shanghai chip verification engineers is mainly due to the high overall salary level of the chip industry, the rapid development of Shanghai chip industry and the short supply of chip engineers and other factors.

Because Shanghai chip verification engineers have high requirements and are relatively scarce. We found that in the past two years, the number of domestic chip design companies has increased, and the investment is also the most, with the continuous development of the market, design engineers and other related chip industry talents have become the object of competition.

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At present, chip related professionals are relatively scarce, and the income of practitioners is also rising, \"this year, the salary of master's graduates in chip related majors has increased by two or three times, and some even up to millions.

Chip engineer training cycle is long, from a qualified chip engineer, familiar with more things, need to go through a number of chip flow, the talent rate is high, so chip engineers are more expensive.

Shanghai chip verification engineer salary income generally how much money a month? The largest number of people with 30-50K accounted for 55.8%, an increase of 1% in 2023 compared with 2022. According to education statistics, college salary ¥32.5K. According to experience, the salary of fresh graduates is ¥40.0K. By region, the wage in Pudong New Area is ¥41.0K.