led芯片有哪些ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:52 27
1 LED chip is trademark Class 11. 2 LED chips belong to the category of electrical equipment, mainly used for light and display functions. Trademark classification is divided acco...

LED chip is a trademark which category?

1 LED chip is trademark Class 11.
2 LED chips belong to the category of electrical equipment, mainly used for light and display functions.
Trademark classification is divided according to the nature of the goods or services, LED chips as an electronic component, is classified as trademark class 11.
3 The purpose of trademark classification is to facilitate trademark registration and management, and different categories of trademarks have different rights and interests and scope of protection.
Choosing the right trademark class is very important for trademark registration and protection of trademark rights.

Belongs to the ninth class - Scientific instruments 0910 - Measuring instruments and meters, laboratory equipment, electrical measuring instruments, scientific instruments 0: gene chip (DNA chip)0913 - crystal element C0 Electrical equipment: electronics all the content \"full class or more class trademark registration, integrated circuit, is the carrier of integrated circuit (IC, integrated circuit), A silicon chip, micro chip, that contains an integrated circuit.