单片机语音芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:51 48
To send the value of the serial port register, you first need to store the value of the register in a variable, and then use the serial port send function to send the value of the...

How to send the serial port register value?

To send the value of the serial port register, you first need to store the value of the register in a variable, and then use the serial port send function to send the value of the variable.
The steps are as follows:
1. Read the value of the register into a variable.
2. Use the serial port send function to send the value of this variable.
Here is an example of C, assuming you want to send out the value of register TDR:
#include < stdio.h>
\/\/ Define TDR register address
unsigned int *TDR = (unsigned int *)0x40008000;
\/\/ Define the serial port sending function
void send_serial_data(unsigned int data) {
\/\/ The data to be sent is stored in the TDR register
*TDR = data;
int main() {
unsigned int register_value = 0x55; \/\/ Suppose the initial value of the register is 0x55

\/\/ Send the register value

return 0; In the above code, we first define the address of the TDR register and define a function, send_serial_data, to send serial data. In the main function, assign the value of the register to the register_value variable and call send_serial_data to send the value of register_value.
This is just an example, in reality, according to the specific single-chip microcomputer model and serial communication protocol to write the corresponding code.

Normal transmission on the line, such as using the computer's serial port wizard, the MCU will automatically send 8-bit data into the SBUF register after receiving, and set the serial port receiving flag bit RI to 1, directly read from it