单片机语音芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:51 39
MCU C language instructions detailed as follows: 1.void init( - initialization function, used to initialize the entire MCU. 2.void loop( - loop function, used for main loop. 3.vo...

MCU c language instruction detailed explanation?

MCU C language instructions detailed as follows:
1.void init() - initialization function, used to initialize the entire MCU.
2.void loop() - loop function, used for main loop.
3.void main() - The main function from which the program executes.
4.unsigned char readByte() - Reads a byte from memory and returns it to the caller.
5.unsigned int readInt() - Reads an integer from memory and returns it to the caller.
6.void writeByte(byte data) - Writes a byte of data to memory.
7.void writeInt(int data) - Writes an integer's data to memory.
8.unsigned char inByte() - Reads a byte from the input port and returns it to the caller.
9.unsigned int inInt() - Reads an integer from the input port and returns it to the caller.

MCU C language instructions detailed as follows:

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Bit operation instruction. In the hardware structure of MCS-51 MCU, there is a bit processor (also known as Boolean processor), which has a set of instructions for processing bit variables.

Send instructions. MOV P1.3, C and MOV C, P3.3 and MOV P1.2, C. After the preceding command is executed, C=0, the content of P3 remains unchanged, and the content of P1 changes to 0011001B.

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In addition, MCU C language instructions are ACALL addr11, LCALL addr16 and so on.