单片机语音芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:51 38
What does ov mean1, ov is the abbreviation of Object Value, Object Value is a Java language, is the entity class Object and its attribute Value of the combination of value, meaning...

What is computer ov?

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What does ov mean

1, ov is the abbreviation of Object Value, Object Value is a Java language, is the entity class Object and its attribute Value of the combination of value, meaning that the image of the table is a java image dynamic generation of a form of technology, universal data table mode;

2, power supply performance indicators; Power OA refers to the reference site, and other voltages are the voltage to the reference site, which is equivalent to the reference object in motion. There is no potential difference between this point and the common end, which does not mean that there is no current at this point;

3, in the MCU assembly language, OV refers to the overflow flag bit, which indicates whether overflow occurs when adding and subtracting signed numbers; When OV=1, it means that the signed number operation result overflows; when OV=0, it means that the signed number operation result does not overflow;

The above is the specific introduction of what ov means, I hope it can help you.