This article catalogue at a glance: 1, How to decrypt a microcontroller programme if it is encrypted? ˂/a ˂li style='margin-bottom 2, Cracking microcontroller programme illegal....

Chip decryption is illegal (is chip cracking considered illegal)

This article catalogue at a glance:

  • 1, How to decrypt a microcontroller programme if it is encrypted?
  • 2, Cracking microcontroller programme illegal.
  • 3, Chip Cracking Customs Requirements 4. What are the methods of chip decryption 5, Is it illegal to make products with disassembled chips 6, Chip decryption illegal will be sentenced to imprisonment.

    How to decrypt a microcontroller programme if it is encrypted?

    2, microcontroller decryption is a very loaded thing, first of all, you need to oxidise the surface layer of the chip's package and decrypt it with professional equipment. The first is to completely dissolve off the chip package, exposing the metal connecting lines. It is necessary to bind the chip to the test fixture and operate it with the help of a binding table. The second is to remove only the plastic package on top of the silicon core.

    3, the chip will be added to the chip's programme chip protection procedures, EMXXX, such as pin 2 voltage input will be cleared of all the contents of the chip ... ; 6: It is best to use a bare chip for the product; 7: Fuse some of the ports with high current ....

    Is it a crime to crack a microcontroller programme

    1.However, whether you like to hear it or not, cracking someone else's programme is wrong and illegal.

    2, since the patent has expired, of course, there is no "infringement". It's worth pointing out that repairs are also for commercial use.

    3. It is possible to read it. But once you write the encryption bits, you may not be able to read it. If you need to decrypt it, you'll have to go to the electronics market and find someone specialised in decryption, usually costing anywhere from 1000~20000, depending on the difficulty of the decryption. But it doesn't seem to be legal, although I don't see any department that controls it.

    4, can not be cracked, generally referred to as cracking is actually through the microcontroller's behavioural analysis of the rewritten program. If the microcontroller can be cracked who will still use. Since the fruits of their labour so easily copied by others, if I immediately change the microcontroller.

    Chip dismantling customs requirements

    Disassembled chips can not be declared to the domestic customs. According to the query relevant information shows that the chip is dismantled belongs to the domestic ban on the import of solid waste, is not allowed to customs clearance into the country. Chips, also known as microcircuits, microchips and integrated circuits, are silicon chips containing integrated circuits, which are the carriers of integrated circuits and are split from wafers.

    Customs will only seize chips in violation of the regulations, and the reasons for customs detention: inconsistency between declared value and estimated value. Name and product do not match. The packing list is not detailed. The conditions of the consignee are not permitted (no import and export rights, etc.). Personal belongings exceeding 5,000 RMB in value.

    The microchip implanted in pets shall comply with the international standards ISO11784 and 11785. 15-digit microchip code contains only numbers and ensures that it can be read by read-write devices. If the microchip does not comply with these standards, a reader that can read the implanted microchip should be provided.

    What are the methods of chip decryption

    1, chip probe directly read if the decryption of the use of chip probe directly read the chip inside the flash or rom, the above that method is not guaranteed, and this level is also very professional, the general decryption of the people do not have this condition.

    2, the chip and the circuit board are closely embraced, tin soldering line as a red line holding their hearts. This method is simple and practical, but you need to pay attention to the quality of welding, otherwise it is easy to "break up" the situation. Insertion and removal of tips this method is the most convenient, applicable to the need to frequently change the "object" or reconfiguration of the occasion.

    3, in fact, the best way to prevent fraud is to go directly to their company to see if there is decryption equipment. If they have it, it's real, if they don't, it's fake. No matter how far away, if you do decryption for the first time, I suggest you'd better go to the other company to see. If it is real, we can have long term co-operation in the future.

    4, microcontroller decryption, there are mainly the following methods Vulnerability cracking Early years of Atmel's a Flash chip has a bug, that is, when the chip is erased, it will first erase the protection bit and then erase the content . So the cracking method came, erase the time, accurate timing, power failure, so the protection is removed, the content can also be read out.

    5, probe technology, the technology is directly exposed to the chip's internal connection, and then observe, manipulate, interfere with the microcontroller to achieve the purpose of the attack. Invasive chip decryption of the general process of invasive attacks on the first step is to remove the chip package (referred to as "open cover" sometimes called "open", the English "DECAP", "decapsulation"). The first step in a chip attack is to remove the chip package (sometimes called "decapsulation" in English).

    6, the current FPGA chip decryption methods are mainly as follows: 1) software attacks, the technology usually use the processor communication interface and the use of protocols, encryption algorithms or these algorithms to attack the security holes.

    Is it illegal to make products with disassembled chips


    According to the query related information: illegal. With the dismantling of the chip to do products belong to the secondary sale of electronic products, generally this secondary sale of the chip is very easy to explode, causing injury to the person.

    Taking apart the production and sale of patented products is illegal. Patent is a kind of intellectual property, and patent products are protected by law. Without the permission of the patentee, no profit or destruction is allowed.

    Legal analysis: private chip decryption is a crime, the circumstances are serious will be sentenced. Chip decryption as a means of technical analysis is completely legal, is a legal means of understanding information, in many areas are widely used.

    Unlawful, depending on the sales amount of sales of counterfeit and shoddy products to be punished.

    Private dismantling without qualification is illegal. In accordance with the Regulations on the Administration of the Recovery and Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products (State Council Decree No. 551 of 2009) on the unqualified recovery and dismantling of waste electronic products illegal, by the market supervision department in accordance with the "unlicensed operation of the investigation and suppression of the provisions of the Measures" to be punished.

    Customs requirements for chip dismantling are as follows: Security check: Customs requires chip dismantling for security checks to ensure that there are no potential security risks or illegal items inside the chip. Intellectual property protection: Customs requires chip disassembly to verify the legality of its intellectual property rights in order to prevent infringement or the inflow of pirated products.

    Chip decryption illegal will be sentenced to imprisonment

    1, on the legitimacy of chip decryption: chip decryption as a means of technical analysis is completely legal, in many areas are widely used. Chip decryption is a legitimate means of understanding information, but the use of information learned must comply with the constraints of intellectual property laws.

    2, chip decryption as a means of technical analysis is completely legal, is a legitimate means of understanding information, in many areas are widely used. However, the use of information learned must comply with the constraints of intellectual property laws, otherwise it violates the intellectual property rights of others.

    3, offence. Cracking the microcontroller programme to break the law, constituting an infringement of copyright holders. Microcontroller, also known as microcontroller, by the central processor, memory, input and output ports (including parallel I/O, serial I/O, analogue-to-digital converter), timers and counters, etc., with a complete digital processing functions of large-scale integrated circuits.

    4, general microcontroller decryption is also illegal, and now the state is also fighting these people, such as piracy light butterfly; software; book ... ; found are to be fined and sentenced to imprisonment, in the EU caught on the issue of hundreds of thousands to billions of euros.

    5, but because the work needs to sweep the secret documents will not be sentenced, as long as not leaked will not be sentenced. Secret documents include with the development of science, especially the application of modern office automation technology, magnetic and optical media and other non-written forms of secret documents, such as disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, videotapes, etc. containing state secret information.