5G terminal devices mainly refer to mobile phones, hotspots, indoor client devices, outdoor client devices, modules, network cards or adapters, and USB terminals.
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According to the latest statistics of GSA in March 2021, the number of 5G terminal devices has exceeded 600, and the 5G terminals that have been put into commercial use have exceeded 400. More than half of these are mobile phones, another 122 FWA (FixedWirelessAccess) CPE devices (indoor and outdoor), of which 47 are now commercially available, and the rest are modules, router gateways, hotspots, and more.
In the field of terminals, the main suppliers are Huawei, ZTE, Datang Telecom, Fiberhome Communications and so on. Of course Nokia, Ericsson, Foxconn and so on.
Hello, in the 5G era, in addition to mobile phones and data card terminals, it also includes various forms of intelligent terminals, such as AR\/VR terminals for families and individuals, and industry-oriented vehicle, drone, robot, medical, police and other terminal equipment. Thank you for your attention to China Telecom 5G.