MOS tube is also often said field effect tube (FET , there are junction type field effect tube, insulated gate type field effect tube (also divided into enhanced type and depletion...

The role of mos tube in DC conversion?

MOS tube is also often said field effect tube (FET), there are junction type field effect tube, insulated gate type field effect tube (also divided into enhanced type and depletion type field effect tube). It can also be divided into two types: P channel and N channel, and here we will classify them according to P channel and N channel.

The role of the field effect tube is mainly the conversion of signals and the on-off of the control circuit. Here we explain the use of the MOS tube as a switching tube. For the selection of MOS tubes, pay attention to four parameters: drain-source voltage (the voltage at both ends of D and S), working current (through the circuit of the MOS tube), opening voltage (the G and S voltage that makes the MOS tube open), and working frequency (the maximum switching frequency).