7475 chip is a four-way data memory, which is often used in digital circuits. It has 16 pins, of which each pin functions as follows:1. D0-D3: Four data input terminals, used to in...

7475 chip pin diagram and function?

7475 chip is a four-way data memory, which is often used in digital circuits. It has 16 pins, of which each pin functions as follows:

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1. D0-D3: Four data input terminals, used to input the data to be stored.

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2. CP: indicates the clock input end. When CP is in high power mode, data is stored in the corresponding storage unit.

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3. MR: Reset the input end. When the MR Level is low, all storage units are reset.

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4. Q0-Q3: four data output terminals, used to output stored data.

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5. G1, G2A, G2B: control input terminals. G1 is the enable terminal. Write and read operations can be performed only when G1 is on high power. G2A and G2B are the selective inputs used to select which group of storage units to read or write to.

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6. Vcc and GND: power supply and ground.

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This is the pin diagram of the 7475 chip and its functions.

Chip pin function: 7475 chip inductors, also known as surface mount inductors, like other chip components (SMC and SMD), are a new generation of leadless or short-lead micro-electronic components for surface mount technology (SMT).

The chip FAN4800 each pin function pin ISENSE is the current sensing end. In the peripheral circuit, the source pole of the power switching tube (such as VMos tube) is connected with a sampling resistor with a small resistance value to convert the current of the pulse transformer into a voltage, which is sent to 3 pins to control the pulse width.

When the power supply voltage is abnormal, the current of the power switch tube increases, and when the voltage on the sampling resistance exceeds 1V, the UC3842 stops output, effectively protecting the power switch tube.

The 7475 chip is a four-digit trigger type D latch, which has 16 pins. Where, A, B, C, and D are the data input ends, four of which input 0 or 1 respectively and store them in the internal latch.

CLK is the clock input, triggered by rising edge, so that the data input is latched to the output.

The 7475 chip is a four-bit bistable D-type latch with four

The output ends of the latch are 16, 1, 15, 14, 10, 11, 9, 8, 13 pins of the first and second latch

The allowed end, pin 4 is the allowed end of the third and fourth latch,

2,3,6,7 are the D ends, 5 feet are Ⅴcc, 12 feet