The 8117 power chip is a commonly used power management chip, and its pins are defined as follows: VCC is the chip power supply pin, GND is the ground pin, and EN is the enable pin...

8117 Power chip pin Definition?

The 8117 power chip is a commonly used power management chip, and its pins are defined as follows: VCC is the chip power supply pin, GND is the ground pin, and EN is the enable pin, which is used to control the switching state of the chip.

VIN is the input voltage pin used to connect to the external power supply. VOUT is the output voltage pin used to connect to the target device.

PGOOD is the power supply good pin, used to indicate whether the power output is normal. FB is the feedback pin used to adjust the output voltage. Other pins may include over temperature protection, short circuit protection and other functional pins. The definition and function of these pins can vary depending on the specific chip model.