芯片制造过程ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:26 43
Samsung Group brings the perseverance and determination of the founders.In the 1970s, the founder of Samsung Group Li Bingzhe paid attention to the chip industry in the company's i...

How are Samsung chips made?

Samsung Group brings the perseverance and determination of the founders.

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In the 1970s, the founder of Samsung Group Li Bingzhe paid attention to the chip industry in the company's internal meeting, as we all know, Samsung Group started from the small home appliance industry, sharp Li Bingzhe found that the very important core affecting the performance of home appliances is the control chip, at that time, South Korea's domestic half chip or poor white, no funds, no technology, There is also a total blockade of leading Japanese and American industries overseas.

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At that time, Li Bingzhe sent personnel to Japan and the United States to study, but encountered really huge obstacles, Japan and the United States not only blocked South Korea, but also South Korea Samsung sent study personnel to guard against, do not say to take photos, that is, some basic information are not provided to you, and then in order to monopolize is to return a group of South Korean learning talents, which caused a huge obstacle to the original Samsung.

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Under such circumstances, Samsung Group founder Lee Byung-chul's perseverance and firm determination showed great charm, and he did not shrink or give up.

The Samsung chip is made using a lithography mechanism from Asmail in the Netherlands.