芯片制造过程ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:26 29
Chips are manufactured through a series of complex processes, which can be roughly divided into three main steps: wafer processing, manufacturing and packaging.Wafer processing is...

How is the chip made?

Chips are manufactured through a series of complex processes, which can be roughly divided into three main steps: wafer processing, manufacturing and packaging.

Wafer processing is the processing of original silicon wafers into wafers, and then the circuit pattern is produced on the wafer by photolithography, etching, deposition and other processes.

The manufacturing stage is through continuous lithography, etching, deposition, cleaning and other processes, the circuit at various levels is gradually established, and finally the chip is formed.

Finally, there is the packaging stage, where the chip is combined with other components into a complete electronic product. The whole process requires strict quality control and the support of a variety of process technologies.

Chip manufacturing is a complex process. First, designers use computer-aided design software to create a circuit diagram of the chip.

The circuit diagram is then transferred to the silicon wafer using lithography.

Next, through steps such as chemical etching and deposition, metal and insulation layers are added to the chip to form the circuit.

Finally, tests and packages are performed to connect the chip to pins and external devices. The entire process requires highly precise control and advanced equipment to ensure the quality and performance of the chip.