From late March 2007 to the end of May 2007 for the centralized implementation of certification phase; From June 1, 2007 to the end of June, the relevant functional departments wil...

Where do I need to apply for a dog license? How much does it cost?

From late March 2007 to the end of May 2007 for the centralized implementation of certification phase; From June 1, 2007 to the end of June, the relevant functional departments will focus on investigating and dealing with illegal dog keeping, capturing unlicensed dogs, and taking in abandoned dogs and wild dogs. Before the registration, dog individuals and units can go to the local community residents committee (village committee) or the police station to obtain the Dog Application Registration Form. Fill in and return to the residents committee (village committee) for comments, and then send to the local police station. During the centralized registration period, the dogs that have been approved to meet the conditions of keeping dogs shall be carried by the dog owner (adult) to the local registration point within the specified time range, and the charging, immunization, implantation of electronic identification, information collection and entry, and issuance of dog licenses shall be completed at one time. Personal dog keeping shall meet the following conditions: (1) have the legal certificate of permanent residence or temporary residence in the city; (2) having full capacity for civil conduct; (3) Have a fixed residence and live in a single family outside the area where dogs are prohibited; (4) The dog has been immunized and obtained a legal and effective immunization certificate. When the individual applying for keeping a dog submits the Dog Application Registration Form to the local public security police station, the following certification materials shall be presented: 1. The original and photocopy of the dog owner's ID card and two two-inch color headless photos; 2. 2. The original and photocopy of the dog owner's household registration book or temporary residence permit; 3. The letter of Responsibility for keeping dogs signed with the community residents committee (villagers committee) where the dog is kept; 4, the dog after immunization, obtain legal, effective immunity certification materials, six inches of side body photo two. The unit should meet the following conditions: (1) for the special needs of security, performance, etc.; (2) the legal identity certificate of the unit and the responsible person; (C) have a sound dog safety management system; (4) Safe and secure dog cages, kennels and other facilities; (5) The dog has been immunized and obtained a legal and effective immunization certificate. When the unit applying for keeping a dog submits the Dog Application Registration Form to the public security police station, it shall provide the following certification materials: 1. The original and photocopy of the identity card of the legal person of the unit, and the two-inch color headless photo; 2, the dog owner ID card original and copy; 3. Original and photocopy of industrial and commercial business license; 4, dog safety management system and measures; 5, the unit dog site plan and dog cage, kennel diagram; 6. Letter of responsibility for keeping dogs signed with the community Residents Committee (villagers committee); 7, the dog after immunization, obtain legal and effective immunization certification materials, six inch color dog side face full body photos. According to reports, the chip implanted in the pet body is produced in the production environment approved by the National Drug and Food Supervision Administration, non-toxic and sterile, the chip surface is covered by a biological coating, injected into the dog's left ear behind the neck subcutaneous (international regulations). Dogs should not be injected with chips during illness and puppies less than three months old. After injection, keep the injection site clean to prevent bacterial infection; For a week, do not bathe the dog and do not walk the dog to avoid infection. In addition, it is necessary to remind the public that chip implantation is a necessary procedure for this certification, because in the rectification action to be carried out from June 1, the standard for judging the certification of pets and stray dogs is whether there is chip implantation. At that time, the staff will use professional instruments to identify the chip, and once the dog that cannot be identified by the instrument will be regarded as a stray dog and taken in.

In the countryside, many dogs are not a dog license, but in the city is different, in the city to raise a dog is required to apply for a dog license, the dog license is equivalent to a human ID card for dogs, no dog license will be dealt with as a stray dog. So how to apply for a dog license? How much does it cost to get a dog license? Let's take a look!

How to apply for dog license

1, Go to the district where the dog license office, get a (dog license information checklist), the form will need to fill in: dog owner's information, the district and county, street, police station, postal code, gender, birth date.

2, after filling out the information form, you will also receive a form, which needs to be stamped with 2 seals, one is the neighborhood committee's seal, and one is the local police station's seal.

3, after the approval of the public security department, pay the relevant fees.

4. Bring the payment voucher, return to the local animal health supervision office, and implant an identification chip for your dog.

5. Get vaccinated.

6, with the relevant certificate of chip implantation to the public security department to obtain the \"dog registration certificate\" and dog license, or 5 working days later at the district office to obtain the dog license.

How much does it cost to get a dog license

Raising dogs only need to pay the management service fee, the fee standard is 1,000 yuan for each dog in the first year of the key limit area, and 500 yuan for each year from the second year.

The general limit is 600 yuan for each dog in the first year, and 300 yuan for each year from the second year.