芯片分选机ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:16 21
The Occupational Classification Code of the People's Republic of China defines China's occupational classification into 8 major categories, 66 middle categories, 413 sub-categories...

In 2005, China's occupation is divided into several categories?

The Occupational Classification Code of the People's Republic of China defines China's occupational classification into 8 major categories, 66 middle categories, 413 sub-categories and 1838 occupations. On December 12, the first edition of the classification (2005 supplement), a total of 77 new occupations, involving primary, secondary and tertiary industries, mainly concentrated in modern manufacturing and modern service industries, to management planning, creative design, analysis and production, and health and environmental management occupations.

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Near the end of the year, on December 12, the country was born the fifth batch of new occupations, this period of the new career in the workplace in 2005 inventory, the reporter started from the fifth batch of new occupations.

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Floral environment designer

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Occupation Definition: A professional who applies various ornamental plant materials or other decorative flowers to the design of indoor and outdoor Spaces by technical or artistic means.

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Career overview: At present, according to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 10,000 related practitioners such as floral environment designers. The demand for it in the market is mainly concentrated in: green design and construction units, landscape design and construction units, garden design and construction units. The industry is developing fast and there is a shortage of talent.

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Career prospects: According to the person in charge of the China Landscape architecture talent network, newly graduated junior designers have a monthly salary of 2000-3000 yuan, and the monthly salary of more than 3 years of work can rise to 6000 yuan, while more than 8-10 years of work experience, and there are large-scale design project experience, the annual salary is 100,000-300,000 yuan.

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Computer music producer

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Occupation definition: Computer music production profession is based on music theory, the use of computer music software and related equipment engaged in music input, processing, transmission of technical personnel.

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At present, the application of computer music software is increasingly popular, and the use of computer software to make music has been widely used in the field of music creation, performance groups and so on. Music publications are produced by professional composers. Most of the spectrum production work of publishing houses has been entrusted to professional spectrum production companies or spectrum production rooms to undertake.

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Career prospects: Only in the Beijing area, the market demand for practitioners is about 1,000.

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Etiquette host

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Occupation definition: A professional who has good knowledge of culture, etiquette and folklore, and is responsible for promoting procedures, regulating the atmosphere and communicating with each other at the ceremonial event site.

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Career overview: By the end of 2004, there were more than 20,000 etiquette hosts in the country. Nowadays, the number of etiquette activities has surged, and the scope of them is also increasing, such as government etiquette, business etiquette, social etiquette, foreign etiquette, wedding etiquette, etc., all need to be professionally trained etiquette hosts.

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Career prospects: Etiquette host has become one of today's hot high-paying occupations, according to authoritative statistics, wedding officiant pay up to 200 yuan - 850 yuan per hour.

Digital video compositor

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        Occupation definition: Production personnel who process various image materials and design and create special visual effects on computer platforms.

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        Career overview: At present, digital video synthesis talents, especially senior talents, are in short supply. The industry's employees are mainly concentrated in the southeast coastal cities and large and medium-sized cities with relatively developed media and digital content industries. At the same time, due to the gradual transfer of foreign related industries to the country, which has led to a large increase in the demand for high-quality digital video synthesis practitioners, it is expected that the national talent gap in the next five years will reach tens of thousands of people.

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        Career prospects: The monthly salary of a digital video compositor is between 3,000 yuan and 6,000 yuan, and the salary will be higher in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.  

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        Indoor environment manager

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        Occupation definition: Technical personnel who use material means to carry out simple inspection and environmental treatment of some civil buildings, aircraft, automobiles, ships and other internal Spaces.

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        According to the experts of the indoor environment Monitoring Working Committee of the China Interior Decoration Association, it is estimated that the market of indoor environmental governance in China will continue to maintain an upward trend, and it is expected that in 5 years, the indoor environmental governance market in Beijing alone will need about 60,000 practitioners.

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        Career prospects: It is expected that the employee's monthly salary ranges from 1000 yuan to 3000 yuan.  

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        Prepress producer

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        Occupation definition: a person engaged in the operation and management of graphic information input, processing, processing, synthesis and output in the pre-press workflow.

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        At present, the proportion of pre-press production personnel accounts for about 1\/6 of the total employees, mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Bohai Bay area. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 160,000 printing enterprises in China with more than 3 million employees.

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        Career prospects: In the printing industry, the monthly salary of pre-press production personnel has been about 3,500 yuan, but those with excellent skills are still rare, and pre-press production technicians and senior technicians are rare.

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        Integrated circuit tester

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        Job definition: A person who can use automatic test probe stations, automatic sorters, automatic test equipment and other related instruments and equipment to perform various tests on integrated circuits.

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        The testing industry is an important part of the integrated circuit industry. The market segment occupied by the testing industry is constantly expanding, and the number of employees is constantly increasing. In 2005, Beijing and Shanghai alone needed 20,000 chip manufacturing, packaging and testing workers.

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        Career prospects: Salaries in the integrated circuit industry are still high compared to other industries. According to a survey on salaries and benefits in the industry conducted by an enterprise consulting company, the starting point for undergraduates in the industry is 3,000 yuan a month.  

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        Occupation definition: A professional who has the knowledge of electric light source, gas discharge, vacuum, art design, physiology and psychology, and masters the bending technology, and is engaged in the design, production and installation of neon lights.

It can be divided into three broad categories.

1. Primary industry: food and agriculture, vegetable farmers, cotton farmers, fruit farmers, melon farmers, pig farmers, bean farmers, tea farmers, herdsmen, fishermen, hunters, etc.

2, the secondary industry: tile, assembly workers, injection molding workers, bending workers, riveters, feeding workers, logistics workers, general operators, spray workers, power workers, porters, sewing workers, drivers, carpenters, electricians, repairmen, general workers, butchers, cleaners, handyman, etc. Enterprise manufacturing is often expressed in black collar and blue collar.

3. Tertiary Industry:

(1) Public services:

Large-scale or public education industry, political and cultural industry, large-scale or public medical industry, large-scale or public administration, management industry, management personnel, military service, ethnic and religious affairs, public financial industry, public consulting and charging industry, public office;

Large-scale grain, cotton and oil concentrated purchasing and marketing industry, scientific research, education and training industry, public passenger transport industry, communication and postal industry, communication customer service industry, film and television agency, voice actor animation agency, human resources agency, distribution and publishing industry, public tourism and culture industry, clerical white-collar workers, domestic service industry.

(2) Individual merchant (service) industry (seat merchant) :

Blind Chinese medicine massage industry, individual pharmacy, individual takeout, individual Internet cafe, sales business, mobile vendors, individual catering industry, tourism accommodation industry, film and television entertainment industry, maintenance, hairdressing and beauty service industry, individual processing industry, individual printing department, individual bath industry, recycling rental industry, mobile sideline industry, etc.

Real estate development, space development industry.

Occupation is to participate in the social division of labor, use specialized knowledge and skills, create material wealth and spiritual wealth for the society, obtain reasonable remuneration, as a source of material life, and meet spiritual needs of the work.