led光源芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:08 19
LED lights flashing can be caused by a number of reasons. First, voltage instability may be a cause. Grid voltage instability may cause LED lights to flicker. This is because the...

Square led lights have been flashing what is broken?

LED lights flashing can be caused by a number of reasons.
First, voltage instability may be a cause. Grid voltage instability may cause LED lights to flicker. This is because the LED lamp needs a stable voltage to work properly, and the voltage is too high or too low will lead to the work of the lamp is unstable. Second, the power circuit fault may also be one of the reasons for the LED light flashing. For example, the electrolytic capacitor in the power supply circuit may experience aging and leakage, causing the output voltage of the power supply to fluctuate, which leads to the flashing of the LED light.
In addition, the LED chip failure may also be one of the reasons for the LED light flashing. For example, if the quality of the LED chip is not good or the service life has been long, then the problem of LED light flashing may occur during use.
Finally, poor heat dissipation of lamps may also cause flicker problems. Because the luminous efficiency and life of the LED lamp are related to temperature, if the lamp is not cooling well, then the temperature of the LED chip will increase, resulting in the blinking of the LED lamp.
Methods to solve the LED light flicker include finding and solving the problem of voltage instability, replacing the faulty electrolytic capacitor, replacing the faulty LED chip or drive power supply. When replacing the driving power supply, it is necessary to select the driving power that matches the lamp bead to meet its power requirements and prevent the insufficient power of the lamp bead and chip.