Why the United States is so strong in the chip field, different people have different opinions, but in general, the United States started early, strong technology, coupled with the...

Why can the United States monopolize chips?

Why the United States is so strong in the chip field, different people have different opinions, but in general, the United States started early, strong technology, coupled with the monopoly of the three most upstream technologies, so it is not strong.

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The three technologies are EDA, semiconductor devices, and IP.

Talk about EDA first, when the chip is just designed, there is no need to have EDA, it is enough to draw the circuit diagram of the chip on paper and pen. But when chips develop faster and faster, transistors are calculated in millions, paper and pen are no longer available, and now a chip is billions of transistors, naturally more to use design tools.

EDA is a tool to design chips, is the most upstream technology of the chip industry, and in the field of EDA, the United States accounts for 80% of the world's share, enough to prove that the United States is strong.

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Then there are semiconductor devices, which are the devices used to produce chips. The United States is also in a monopoly position, the Top10 manufacturers, the United States accounted for 4, the share of about 50%. Considering that ASML also listens to the US, ASML's share is around 20%.

That is to say, the United States controls about 70% of the global semiconductor equipment market, you say that if the United States does not sell equipment to you, who can catch up with the United States?

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Finally, talk about the chip IP, the so-called IP is a mature chip module, which can be directly applied to a small whole in the chip. Chip design companies only need to take it to use, do not need to redesign.

For example, ARM's CPU, GPU, NPU, AMD also has GPU these, this is also the most upstream of the chip industry, because the current many enterprises design chips, will not be completely redesigned, but will use these IP.

In the field of chip IP, the top 10 manufacturers, the United States accounted for 5, the share of about 30%, considering that ARM ranked first, the share accounted for 40%, and ARM is also listening to the United States, and nvidia is to acquire ARM, that is to say, the United States or the monopoly chip IP 70% share.

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In this way, we can understand how strong the United States is in the chip field, the most upstream technology, basically the United States is in charge, in addition to materials to listen to Japan, other ACES, all in the hands of the United States, so the monopoly of 47% of global chip sales, it is not difficult to understand.

The chip industry is divided into design and manufacturing. Manufacturing is far more important than design. If you design it badly, but you can make it, then at least you have a chip, and if you can't make it, then you have nothing.

High-end chip manufacturing process is extremely complex, called technology, capital, talent three-in-one intensive industry, the threshold is very high. The most difficult of these is the lithography machine.

At present, only ASML in the Netherlands can supply high-end lithography machines. However, not all the core parts of high-end lithography machines are developed by ASML themselves, but customized from major developed countries, of which the United States provides the most core parts - light sources.

It can be said that the lithography machine is the product of the wisdom of all mankind, and the development difficulty is far more than the hydrogen bomb! It's not so easy to break a monopoly!

This is the fundamental reason why the United States can monopolize the chip industry!

First of all, we need to know that chip architectures, such as ARM, x86, MPIS, none of these architectures used by these related IP manufacturers is a pure domestic architecture, and has been monopolized by foreign countries.

In addition, China's chip manufacturing process is not mature, when the foreign chip manufacturing process to 5nm, China's 14nm process has just reached the average level of the industry, and the gap with foreign countries is very large.

More importantly, China's manufacturing chip equipment is also very poor, even the basic lithography machine problems can not be solved, so China's chip industry has been unable to develop.

First, economic and technological advantages support. The so-called economic base determines the superstructure, and the same applies to the chip field. Through the advantages accumulated in World War I and World War II, the United States absorbed global capital for American science and technology research and development. With the support of investment regardless of cost and relatively complete scientific and technological system, the US semiconductor industry has made great progress in the 20th century.

Second, the absorption and training of talents. As the biggest beneficiary of the two world Wars, the United States not only got unprecedented material supplement, but also got more complement in terms of talent. In the face of talent recruitment, the United States has been giving the green light to attract high-end elites from all over the world through generous welfare. In addition, the United States attaches more importance to the training of talents, in education, the United States has the world's most advanced and most complete educational equipment, with the most open and fair academic environment, such an educational environment has been the ultimate on the planet.

Third, complete policy guidance and research and development support. In addition to having a good scientific research environment and talent training, good policy guidance and research and development support are also essential, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) provides about $7 billion per year to support basic physical science and mathematics research in colleges and universities. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides funding for basic medical research. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) supports corporate research with military potential, such as computer networking and Internet projects.

In addition to providing financial support for research, the U.S. government is playing the role of a purchaser, providing a huge market and application prospects in the defense and aerospace semiconductor industry, and forming the most direct boost to the U.S. semiconductor industry.

Fourth, a relatively fair business environment and protection of intellectual and private property rights. The United States focuses on protecting the rights of every citizen, not only in the protection of personal property, but also in the protection of intellectual property. Such a system has also become a tool to attract the world's top scientific and technological talents, according to statistics, more than 40% of the world's scientific and technological immigrants have been attracted to the United States.

Most of the high-end chip manufacturing process is now tied to American patents, so the United States can monopolize chips.

Because the core technology of chip making is mastered by the United States