qzw118 is a power management chipqzw118 power management chip, peripheral components should be few, 7-pin starting resistance general 220K resistance, 6-pin output field tube G pol...

What chip is qzw118?

qzw118 is a power management chip

qzw118 power management chip, peripheral components should be few, 7-pin starting resistance general 220K resistance, 6-pin output field tube G pole resistance 15 ohms, field tube S pole ground resistance 0.5 ohms. The 3-pin ground resistance is about 6k, the overcurrent detection is connected to the 3-pin resistance of 1k, the switching transformer chip power supply winding and the rectifier diode series resistance of 15 ohMs.

This is a power management chip for electric vehicles, which is used in electric car chargers for electric vehicle lead-acid batteries using constant current, limited voltage, and step-down three-stage timed charging.