If the car key is broken, you can go directly to the car 4s shop to get the key, you can also go to the auto parts city to get the key. Generally, it is safer to go to the 4S shop...

Car remote control key chip is broken where to repair?

If the car key is broken, you can go directly to the car 4s shop to get the key, you can also go to the auto parts city to get the key. Generally, it is safer to go to the 4S shop with the key, but its price will be relatively higher than the auto parts city, and the owner can choose according to his own situation.

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Generally, there are chips in the keys of models with anti-theft systems, so not all places can be equipped with car keys. In addition to the correct tooth shape that can insert the lock core, it is also necessary to match or program the anti-theft system, otherwise the vehicle will not ignite even if the lock core can be inserted. So the computer with this key is very necessary, and can be matched with anti-theft. The owner can only go to a professional key place, or 4S shop.