mcu芯片价格ichaiyang 2024-05-10 2:02 30
Bluetooth chip, is included in the MCU. Because he wants to run the Bluetooth protocol stack, as well as audio, data, and so on. But the resources are more powerful but there is a...

mcu chip and Bluetooth module comparison?

Bluetooth chip, is included in the MCU. Because he wants to run the Bluetooth protocol stack, as well as audio, data, and so on. But the resources are more powerful but there is a difference between the two, the difference is that the focus is different (1), Bluetooth chip is mainly to complete the Bluetooth function of the SOC system. The single-chip microcomputer is a universal chip, processing control and so on the two applications are different (2), Bluetooth chip is generally more expensive, because his resources are rich. And the MCU due to less resources, so relatively cheap some 2, why Bluetooth chip attached to a single chip?

(1), the Bluetooth chip is generally more complex, so many companies on the market, the Bluetooth chip into a module, and then encapsulate some of the Bluetooth underlying functions, and then set aside a serial port, or spi, or iic and other interfaces, so that users use the single chip microcomputer to control (2) when developing projects, you do not need to care about Bluetooth related terms, Just focus on your app.

Just like the KT1025A

After comparison, MCU chip and Bluetooth module have their own advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the MCU chip has complex processing power and rich hardware resources, which can complete a variety of tasks, such as controlling external devices and processing data.
However, the MCU chip lacks a communication module, and an additional Bluetooth module is needed to achieve wireless communication.
Bluetooth module, has excellent wireless communication capabilities, can make the device between the device to achieve data transmission, so as to achieve the network of equipment, more convenient and practical. However, the data processing ability of the Bluetooth module is weak, and it can only process a small amount of data, which is difficult to effectively control the sensor and other devices. Therefore, in the specific application scenario, it is necessary to choose whether to use the MCU chip or the Bluetooth module according to the actual needs, or to combine the two to achieve the best results.