CPU and computer motherboard chips are afraid of static damage. CPU and computer motherboard chips and other key parts are mostly composed of some metal oxide semiconductor-based integrated circuits, the transistors in these integrated circuits, as well as the chip can withstand the voltage impact are very small, the electrostatic voltage range of the human body may be hundreds of volts or even up to tens of thousands of volts, may be due to the high voltage static electricity brought by the human body and be broken down, damaged. This can cause damage to the laptop. Static electricity is an electric charge that is at rest or does not flow. Static electricity is formed when the charge gathers on the surface of an object, because the charge is divided into two kinds of positive charge and negative charge (the rubber rod rubbed with fur is negatively charged, and the glass rod rubbed with silk is positively charged), so the electrostatic phenomenon is also divided into two kinds, that is, positive static electricity and negative static electricity, but whether it is positive static electricity or negative static electricity, Charge transfer occurs when electrostatic objects contact zero potential objects (ground objects) or objects with potential differences, which is the phenomenon of spark discharge we see every day.