1, Get on the car and close all the doors, open and close the original car key ignition twice, the dashboard is lit, do not start the car, pull out the key within 5 seconds. 2. At...

Fukuda Topland remote control matching method?

1, Get on the car and close all the doors, open and close the original car key ignition twice, the dashboard is lit, do not start the car, pull out the key within 5 seconds. 2. At the same time, press the lock key and unlock key of the new remote control, press the two keys at the same time, and see that the direction light of the dashboard flashes once to indicate success, and immediately change the original remote control operation after success.

3, press the original remote control lock key and unlock key, is two keys pressed at the same time, the direction light flashed once, indicating success, at the end of step 2, the direction light flashed immediately press their original remote control. 4. After the two remote controls are configured, the ignition is opened and closed once to end the matching program. If the match is not successful for many times, you need to let the car power off half a small, and then match.