芯片设计自学ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:42 17
(1 The key to learning digital circuits is to analyze the inverter, the inverter (that is, the non-gate, the input voltage is high, the output voltage is low; Low input voltage, h...

How to learn analog circuit and digital circuit! What are the main knowledge points to master?

(1) The key to learning digital circuits is to analyze the inverter, the inverter (that is, the non-gate, the input voltage is high, the output voltage is low; Low input voltage, high output voltage) is the use of a voltage to control a switch. The volt-ampere characteristics of these devices are completely different from the resistance. Through the inverter, you will also find that the real circuit circuit, such as the power supply and ground required by each chip, is not drawn in the circuit logic diagram. The logic diagram only reflects the input and output pins. The input and output of these chips or gates are not directly connected at all.

(2) Through the inverter, you will easily understand and not gate, or not gate, and then you will find that the analysis of a digital circuit, as long as the analysis of voltage input leading to voltage output, do not have to consider the current (except, of course, when driving something else). The low voltage is 0, and the high voltage is 1, so this introduces logic algebra, because the calculation result of logic algebra is the operation result of those digital circuit chips. Then on the basis of learning logic algebra, learn combinatorial logic circuits, and then compose flip-flops through combinatorial logic circuits, so as to introduce sequential circuits...

(3) If possible, it is better to listen to lectures!

(4) Recommend Tsinghua University's \"Digital circuit\