芯片设计自学ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:42 27
Want to learn the digital circuit first understand the working state of the semiconductor analog circuit in the linear region the digital circuit is in the cut-off and saturation r...

Want to learn digital circuit, how to get started?

Want to learn the digital circuit first understand the working state of the semiconductor analog circuit in the linear region the digital circuit is in the cut-off and saturation region

The foundation of digital circuits is that gate circuits are mainly composed of gates or gate non-gates. On this basis, the steady state is also divided into three states: one is unsteady, which is a square wave oscillator widely used in clock pulses and other control circuits; the other is monostable, which is often used for analog-to-digital conversion; and the third is bistable, which is used in register storage coding Chip and other electronic engineering technology on the in-depth study of decoder encoder interface technology computing technology and other logic circuits

At the same time, it is also necessary to understand that the working curve binary algorithm and the conversion software of each base are the languages that represent this logical relationship.