芯片设计自学ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:41 35
No programming computer knowledge required.The major of designing chips is the major of microelectronics. The discipline represented by integrated circuit design, manufacture and a...

Do you need to learn programming to learn chip manufacturing?

No programming computer knowledge required.

The major of designing chips is the major of microelectronics. The discipline represented by integrated circuit design, manufacture and application is one of the most rapidly developing high-tech applied disciplines in modern times. Mainly integrated circuit, microelectronics system design, manufacturing process and design software system, can be engaged in microelectronics and related fields in scientific research, teaching, engineering technology and technical management and other senior professionals.

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Microelectronics is also an important basic subject in the field of information. In this field, microelectronics is a science that studies and realizes information acquisition, transmission, storage, processing and output, and a science that studies information carriers, constituting the cornerstone of information science, and its development level directly affects the development of the entire information technology. The level of development and industrial scale of microelectronics science and technology is an important sign of a country's economic strength.

1. Learning to make chips requires learning to program. 2. Because chip manufacturing involves design, simulation, testing and production, programming plays a crucial role in it.
Through programming, it is possible to simulate chip design and simulation, optimize chip performance and power consumption, and carry out automatic control of chip testing and production. In addition, learning programming can also help understand and master algorithms and data structures in chip manufacturing, improve problem solving and innovation capabilities. At the same time, programming is also a basic skill in the field of modern science and technology, and mastering programming ability can provide more opportunities and competitive advantages for future career development.
Therefore, learning to make chips requires learning to program.

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Need to learn programming

Chip manufacturing is a major in electronic information engineering, and there are also circuits and chip design majors. It belongs to the semiconductor industry.

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Chip manufacturing can study microelectronics, integrated circuit design and integrated system, electronic science and technology, electronic information engineering, electronic information science and technology, electronic packaging technology, communication engineering, optoelectronic information science and engineering, computer and other majors.

Generally not needed, individual devices need small program operation is also very simple.