芯片测试仪ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:41 42
Method 1: Self-detection method Formaldehyde is colorless, but it has a pungent odor. When you feel the air in the new environment, the throat is uncomfortable, it is likely that...

How to detect formaldehyde?

Method 1: Self-detection method

Formaldehyde is colorless, but it has a pungent odor. When you feel the air in the new environment, the throat is uncomfortable, it is likely that formaldehyde has exceeded the standard, and most of it is seriously exceeded.

This is the least recommended method because the experiment needs to be done with the \"body\

Method 2: Look at the reactions of plants and animals

If you do not live for a long time, or are not sensitive to formaldehyde, perhaps even if the formaldehyde exceeds the standard, you will not feel it. However, many of the animals and plants in the home are sensitive to formaldehyde, they may first feel the \"abnormal\" air, pets appear listless, and plants wither.

This method is not very recommended, one animal and plant disease reasons are many, can not be judged as formaldehyde exceeded, and even if it is formaldehyde exceeded, it has already caused harm to the body. By the way: plants can not actually purify formaldehyde, some plants have their own fragrance, only can cover the taste of formaldehyde, do not be fooled.

Method 3: Use formaldehyde test box.

Formaldehyde test box is the use of phenol reagent method, or more accurate, and the price is generally cheaper, suitable for their own testing operation. It should be noted that if the data is accurate, before detection, it is necessary to seal the test environment space in advance, the longer the better, not less than 1 hour; The absorbent should also be allowed to stand in the testing environment for as long as possible, not less than 30 minutes, and can be put overnight if conditions permit.

This method is very cost-effective, it is recommended that we test the new house before moving in, and it is best to repeatedly test, and the results are more credible.

Method four: Use a formaldehyde detector.

High-precision formaldehyde detector is more expensive, an instrument to more than ten thousand, the use of photoelectric test paper method. In addition, many thousands of portable detectors, the actual detection effect is not satisfactory, the data is not accurate.

This method seems to be high-tech, and many low-cost portable detectors are sold on the Internet, but in fact, they are not reliable.

Method five: Find a professional company to test.

One way is to ask a professional company to inspect, at present in many big cities, this service has been more common. However, there may be some problems of \"using detection as a means to actually sell formaldehyde treatment\

If the indoor formaldehyde is detected to be exceeded, then we can not stay, we need to treat as soon as possible, only after the indoor formaldehyde content is up to standard, it will not harm our body.

When it comes to formaldehyde removal, the effective method I first push natural ventilation, but there are limitations, it can only blow out harmful substances such as formaldehyde free in the indoor air, when the ventilation area is not enough, and the release of harmful gases such as formaldehyde is very large, the harmful substances in the indoor air will be greatly exceeded. And ventilation will be restricted by the weather, a lot of time in life is inconvenient to ventilation, so long-term treatment of formaldehyde, need to place products that can be adsorbed and decomposed.

For the interior of the furniture and some corners of the room, the air circulation is not good, limiting the release of formaldehyde. At this time, we need to place some effective formaldehyde removal materials to achieve the purpose of eliminating formaldehyde. Benarcrystal is a new generation of aldehyde removal technology products rich in Meen ocean purification factor, black, blue, white natural mineral particles, can quickly decompose formaldehyde for up to three years, without worrying about secondary pollution. At the same time, it can effectively remove leather odor, paint odor, and protect indoor air. Benarcrystal is a new air purification product with very comprehensive effect.

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A: First, formaldehyde self-test box

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Formaldehyde self-test box is the lowest cost, the most home-based formaldehyde detection method, but the numerical deviation is large. In general, you can buy formaldehyde self-test boxes in home supermarkets or online, and the price ranges from a dozen to dozens of pieces.

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The formaldehyde self-test box is generally composed of a brown bottle thinner, a transparent bottle color developer and a reaction box containing powder. Before testing, close the doors and Windows of the room to be tested for one hour, pour the diluent into the reaction box to fully dissolve the reactants, place the reaction box in the room at a height of 80 to 150 cm from the ground, pour the color developer into the box after 30 minutes of exposure, tighten the bottle cap and shake well, leave it for 10 minutes and then open it, and compare the color scale card of the self-testing box. Yellow basically does not contain formaldehyde; Yellowish green is not too yellow; Yellow-green deviation is not serious; Green is a little over the limit, blue is over the limit.

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Although this method is simple, the accuracy of formaldehyde detection cannot be guaranteed, and only a rough test can be done. The industry said that the formaldehyde self-test box is not in the national indoor air testing standards, only a transitional means, the longer the self-test box is placed, the deeper the color of the detection reagent, so the results of the formaldehyde self-test box detection are not 100% accurate.

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Second, household formaldehyde detector

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JC-7 is a new indoor household formaldehyde concentration detection instrument, the volume is generally the size of insulated water cup, the front is the display screen, the back is the air intake and battery slot, the top is the formaldehyde meter switch, long press three seconds to turn on, the side is the temperature unit button and alarm switch, can convert the temperature unit.

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The domestic formaldehyde detector adopts the latest imported electrochemical sensor and high-precision arithmetic amplifier chip to directly convert the formaldehyde concentration signal in the air into an electrical signal in real time and continuously. After data processing by microcomputer, the measurement results are displayed digitally by LCD. Put the formaldehyde meter in the testing environment, or put it in the same confined space with the detection material such as paint, wait for 5 to 10 minutes, and the value of the formaldehyde meter display will display the real-time formaldehyde concentration and constantly change.

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When the value on the formaldehyde meter is less than 0.10mg\/m3, there will be a smiley face above the number on the display; Over 0.10mg\/m3, the smiling face will become a crying face, and there will be an alarm sound and red light flashing; When the crying face is seriously exceeded, it will become a skull sign, and we can see the indoor formaldehyde pollution level very intuitively.

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Compared with the thousands of testing costs of formaldehyde testing institutions, a household formaldehyde meter of several hundred yuan can fully meet the needs of ordinary families, and the operation is very simple, and the small size is also easy to place.