芯片粘片机ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:39 27
You can try to use 502 glue, with other afraid of corrosion of the card itself, remember not to apply too thick, as thin as possible, otherwise it will definitely affect the use of...

How do I reglue it? Card chip falling off?

You can try to use 502 glue, with other afraid of corrosion of the card itself, remember not to apply too thick, as thin as possible, otherwise it will definitely affect the use of. But the best way is to go to the bank as soon as possible to renew a card. If the bank card is broken, it must not be discarded directly, because the bank card is retained with personal information, once discarded, it is likely to cause security problems, leading to information leakage.
The correct approach should be to take the ID card and the broken bank card to the branch of the bank to replace a new card. If you do not want to use this broken bank card, you should also take the card and ID card to the bank counter to report the loss, cancel, if there is still a balance of the card, you need to transfer the balance of the card before cancellation.

Is it a credit card? If it is, send it to the credit card department of the bank in Beijing and pay some money to replace it. Because the credit card has this card replacement, card replacement function.