The MP2307 uses a current-controlled mode to adjust the output voltage. The output voltage is measured at the FB pin through a resistive voltage driver and amplified by an internal...

mp2307 Voltage regulator chip principle?

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The MP2307 uses a current-controlled mode to adjust the output voltage. The output voltage is measured at the FB pin through a resistive voltage driver and amplified by an internal transconductance differential amplifier. The voltage of the COMP pin is also compared with the internal switching current of the uncontrolled output voltage. The converter uses an internal n-channel MOSFE switch to adjust the output voltage by reducing the input voltage.

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Because the high side of the MOSFET requires a higher gate voltage than the input voltage, a push capacitor is required to connect the SW and BS pins to drive the high side gate. This push capacitor charges from the internal 5V when the SW is low. When the voltage of the FB pin exceeds 20% of the specified value of 0.925V, the overvoltage comparator will trigger the COMP pin and SS pin to discharge to GND, forcing the high side to close.