When choosing a regulated 5V device in the SOT-223 package, the quality depends not only on the package type, but also on the reputation of the device supplier, product quality and...

sot-223 package voltage regulator 5v Which quality is good?

When choosing a regulated 5V device in the SOT-223 package, the quality depends not only on the package type, but also on the reputation of the device supplier, product quality and after-sales service.

Some well-known Semiconductor manufacturers, such as Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics and ON Semiconductor, offer high quality voltage regulators with consistent performance and reliability. It is recommended to refer to the supplier's product specifications, user evaluations and reliability data when selecting to ensure that the selected voltage regulator 5V devices have excellent quality.

The three-terminal regulator in the sot-223 package, LM1117-5v, performs well and can reach the operating current of 1A.