Drop the voltage from 24V to 5V. It is not said here DC or AC, if it is DC, you can choose a three-end regulator, you can also choose a cigarette lighter car charger. If it is AC,...

How do you turn 24v into 5v with three resistors?

Drop the voltage from 24V to 5V. It is not said here DC or AC, if it is DC, you can choose a three-end regulator, you can also choose a cigarette lighter car charger. If it is AC, you can choose a transformer. Of course, it also depends on the power.

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Let me just say that there are a number of ways to convert DC 24V to DC 5V. There are resistive voltage division methods, and there are switching power supply methods. To be simple, it is simple to count the three-end voltage regulator and cigarette lighter. Which is more appropriate depends on the application scenario. Three-terminal regulators also have a variety of commonly used 5V regulators 78 series 7805, 78L05 and -5V regulators 79 series 7905, 79L05 and so on. The difference between them is that the 78 series is common ground, and the 79 series is common positive. Advantages of using three-stage regulated power supply chip: 1. Small size does not take up space, if the power is taken inside the device, it can be directly placed inside the device. This takes up no external space

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It also looks beautiful. 2, the price is cheap online a piece of 7805 is about 1.00 yuan, 78L05 because of the small power is cheaper

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Disadvantages: Although the 78 and 79 series three-terminal regulators have an advantage over other power chips, they require few external components. However, compared with cigarette lighter car charging still needs a certain hands-on ability. Weld at least a few capacitors.

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Car charging advantages: 1. If it is used in the car, it can be used in other places, and it is easier to buy a cigarette lighter base wiring. 2. The car charger is designed and produced by professionals

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It is much safer to protect the complete outer shell of the circuit.