can总线芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:37 16
(1 The configuration of the terminal resistance should reach the impedance match of the CAN bus, and the resistance between the buses should be equal to the characteristic impedan...

can bus impedance requirements?

(1) The configuration of the terminal resistance should reach the impedance match of the CAN bus, and the resistance between the buses should be equal to the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. At present, the resistance of 120Ω is generally added at both ends of the CAN bus. If the requirements are higher, the resistance value can be fine-tuned according to the bus length and the number of nodes, so that the resistance value between the buses is as close as possible to 60Ω.

(2) The two terminal resistors should be equally configured at the two nodes furthest apart from the line; (3) The distance between the node and the bus should be as short as possible, and the specific allowable length will be affected by factors such as signal frequency and line resistance. In particular, when connecting temporary equipment nodes such as external diagnostic instruments, we should pay more attention to this point.