can总线芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:37 11
The CAN bus is a serial communication protocol that transmits data to all nodes in the entire network by way of broadcast. In the CAN bus, each node has a unique identifier called...

How does the can bus know to whom?

The CAN bus is a serial communication protocol that transmits data to all nodes in the entire network by way of broadcast. In the CAN bus, each node has a unique identifier called the CAN ID. When a node sends data, it attaches a CAN ID to the data so that other nodes can identify the source and destination of the data.
When a node receives data with a specific CAN ID, it checks its own receive buffer to see if there are any receive requests matching that CAN ID. If so, the node receives and processes the data. If not, the node ignores the data.
Therefore, the CAN bus knows which node to transmit data to by using a unique CAN ID and a receive request set in each node.

The CAN bus usually adopts an identifier-based message transmission mechanism. When a node sends a message on the bus, the message contains identifier information that identifies the sender and receiver of the message.

Other nodes listen for messages on the bus and determine if they are sent to them based on the identifier in the message.

If the identifier of the message matches the identifier of the node, the node receives and processes the message. In this way, the CAN bus ensures that messages are delivered accurately to specific nodes.

The recipient of data is identified by can ID