芯片探针台ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:36 37
In order to produce China's fully autonomous and controllable quantum chips with high quality, a pair of \"fire eyes\" - the first domestic NDPT-100 non-destructive probe electrica...

What is the use of quantum chip production line?

In order to produce China's fully autonomous and controllable quantum chips with high quality, a pair of \"fire eyes\" - the first domestic NDPT-100 non-destructive probe electrical measurement platform dedicated to quantum chip production, referred to as \"non-destructive probe platform\

The production line of quantum chips is used to produce quantum chips, which are the basic core components necessary for quantum computers and related quantum devices, and there will be a large market and application space in the future. Quantum chips are the core foundation to support the development of quantum science and technology, and the same as the current silicon-based chips, will become the basic support for scientific and technological development.