芯片探针台ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:36 23
Hefei Source quantum Computing Technology Co., LTDIn order to produce China's fully autonomous and controllable quantum chips with high quality, a pair of \"fire eyes\" - the first...

Which company is the first quantum chip production line in China?

Hefei Source quantum Computing Technology Co., LTD

In order to produce China's fully autonomous and controllable quantum chips with high quality, a pair of \"fire eyes\" - the first domestic NDPT-100 non-destructive probe electrical measurement platform dedicated to quantum chip production, referred to as \"non-destructive probe platform\

It is understood that the non-destructive probe table is completely independently developed by Hefei Benyuan Quantum Computing Technology Co., LTD., the minimum measurement range is reduced to the micron level, the film scar diameter caused by the probe is at least 1 micron, the measurement process does not affect the coherence performance of superconducting qubits, and has the advantages of high stability and high motion accuracy. Also suitable for semiconductor chips, semiconductor devices and other precision electrical testing. At present, the nondestructive probe station has been put into use in the first quantum chip production line in China.