2.5v稳压芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:35 26
LED display has: computer control part, display driver matrix, LED display array, power supply four large parts. Among them, there are many problems: 1. Interface problems. Symptom...

led repair material?

LED display has: computer control part, display driver matrix, LED display array, power supply four large parts. Among them, there are many problems: 1. Interface problems. Symptom: The computer information cannot be displayed. Check the cable.

2. The power supply is faulty. The LED display uses a low-voltage high-current power supply, which is little different from ordinary DC power supplies.

3. Drive issues. Each row or column is not displayed, that is the corresponding drive circuit (chip) problem, can be replaced.

4. The fault is displayed. Long-term use of LED display may damage aging, maintenance can be replaced.

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LED display common fault processing process - diagnosis process: 1, determine your display is synchronous display or asynchronous display; The display of synchronous display depends on the display setting, and the asynchronous display does not depend on the display setting.

2, determine whether your display is a local display problem or the whole screen display has a problem; Local display abnormal can eliminate communication problems, generally can be determined is the display hardware failure, you should immediately contact us to prevent the expansion of the fault; There are many reasons for the abnormal display of the whole screen: for the synchronous display, you should confirm whether the Settings of the display have changed, whether the communication is normal, whether the transmission is normal, and then whether the reception is normal; For the asynchronous display, first of all should confirm the parameters of the display: hardware address, width, height, IP change, if these parameters are correct, then test whether the communication is normal, and finally determine whether the display control is normal display unit board interface display is composed of a piece of the display unit board, the signal is transmitted through a flat cable. The interface of the unit board is shown on the right: Description :N= ground (GND)L= latch (LAT or ST)S= clock (Clk)O= Enable (OE)E= enable (\/OE) R= red data G= green data U= blue data ABCD= line signal H= Line signal after decoding F= hanging V=VCC) Transformation In order to save customers' investment, We can provide customers with existing LED display transformation, update and other services.

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According to the customer's display can be roughly divided into the following three types: 1. The same display unit board interface many manufacturers display unit board interface is not very standard, if the customer display unit board interface is the same as the above interface, we can upgrade the system, such as text screen video, low gray level video, high gray level video, the method is low cost, quick effect.

2. Display unit board interface If the customer display unit board interface is not exactly the same as the standard interface listed above, but the number and type of signals are the same, the display can also be upgraded, and the cost is slightly higher than the first case.

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3. Completely different display unit board interface The customer's original display unit board interface is not exactly the same as described above, in this case, the cost of transformation is larger. In addition to the LED module and part of the IC retention, other such as PCB board, system, etc., all have to be replaced, the cost is higher.

Maintenance display leds are required:


Electric iron suction qiang each 1, solder several


5V regulated power supply 1, to the receiving card and maintenance module or unit board power supply


Electrical batch 1, used to quickly disassemble module or unit board


The computer sends a card, which is used to send programs to the receiving card


The HUB board of the receiving card is used to observe module or unit board faults


Multimeter One, used to detect module or unit board faults