2.5v稳压芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:34 16
stabilized voltage supply (stabilized voltage supply is an electronic device that can provide stable alternating current or direct current for the load, including two categories o...

What are the commonly used regulated power supplies?

stabilized voltage supply (stabilized voltage supply) is an electronic device that can provide stable alternating current or direct current for the load, including two categories of AC and DC regulated power supplies.

When the power grid voltage or load instantaneous fluctuations, the voltage regulator will compensate the voltage amplitude with a response speed of 10-30ms, so that it is stable within ±2%.

In addition to the most basic stable voltage function, the regulator should also have overvoltage protection (more than 10% of the output voltage), undervoltage protection (less than -10% of the output voltage), phase loss protection, short-circuit overload protection the most basic protection functions.

Spike suppression

The power grid sometimes has high amplitude, very narrow pulse width sharp pulse, it will break down the low voltage withstand electronic components. The anti-surge component of the regulated power supply can play a good role in suppressing such sharp pulses.

Isolating conductive EMI electromagnetic interference (optional) :

CNC equipment mostly uses AC\/DC rectification PFC high frequency power factor correction, which has certain interference and strict requirements for interference sources. The filter component of the regulated power supply can effectively isolate the interference of the power grid to the equipment and also effectively isolate the interference of the equipment to the power grid.

Should have the ability to prevent lightning strikes.

The commonly used voltage regulator power supply has linear voltage regulator and switching voltage regulator.

Linear voltage regulation by working in the linear state of the transistor composed of variable resistance for constant current control of the load, to obtain a stable voltage output, this way is simple in structure, noise suppression degree is very high (up to 60dB, that is, more than 1000 times), but the general efficiency is relatively low, to meet the input voltage is higher than the output voltage of a certain pressure difference can be stabilized, can only do step-down transformation. Conventional linear regulators have a differential pressure of up to 2.5V, so the efficiency is relatively low,LDO linear regulators can achieve lower differential pressure, such as the differential pressure can be reduced to 350mA under the load of up to 1A, of course, its efficiency depends on the specific use of the input and output voltage situation.

The switching voltage regulator is composed of the inductance of the triode and the energy storage in the switching mode and the capacitance of the smooth ripple to obtain a stable output voltage in the way of PWM or PFM. The advantage of the switching mode is that it can buck, boost, reverse voltage, the range of input voltage can be very wide, and the efficiency can be very high (some can reach more than 95%), the disadvantage is that the peripheral circuit is more complex, the selection of peripheral components is more sensitive, and the high-frequency switching signal will bring greater interference and ripple on the voltage output.