电源芯片厂商ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:15 49
The 8 pin functions of the power chip are as follows:1, the foot (COMP is the error amplifier compensation foot. The RC compensation network should be connected between the pin an...

1216a power chip pin function?

The 8 pin functions of the power chip are as follows:

1, the foot (COMP) is the error amplifier compensation foot. The RC compensation network should be connected between the pin and the inverting input of the error amplifier (VFB) to improve the performance of the error amplifier.

2, the foot (VFB) is the inverting input of the error amplifier. The feedback voltage is fed into the pin and compared with the reference voltage at the in-phase input of the error amplifier to set the error voltage.

3, the foot (ISENSE) is the in-phase input end of the current sampling comparator. The voltage drop at both ends of the current sampling resistor is applied to the pin and compared with the error voltage (maximum 1V) applied to the inverting input of the amplifier to determine the duty cycle of the output drive pulse.

4, foot (RT\/CT) for the external oscillator timing resistance and timing capacitance. The reference resistance is connected between the pin and the reference voltage output pin (VREF), and the reference capacitance is connected between the pin and the ground pin.

5. The GROUND foot is the grounding foot.

6, the foot (OUTPUT) is the output foot. The low level of the pin output is 1.5V, and the output feed current (average) is 200mA. The high level of the output is 13.5V, and the output source current voltage can reach 30V.

7, the pin (VCC) is the power supply voltage pin. The input power supply voltage of this series IC chip can reach 30V.

8, the foot (VREF) is the reference voltage output end. The output voltage of the pin is 5V and the output current can reach 5mA. This reference voltage can be used to power an external circuit. OCSET 12v power supply pass through the current protection input. BOOT secondary drive signal overcurrent protects the input. VIN cpu external core power supply conversion circuit Power supply source chip connection pin.