芯片程序破解ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:13 35
China's high-tech is still a lot, but a lot of high-tech is not independently invented, but China participated in the invention, or contributed a lot, or China carried it forward....

What high technology has China invented?

China's high-tech is still a lot, but a lot of high-tech is not independently invented, but China participated in the invention, or contributed a lot, or China carried it forward. Because today's world, technology is shared globally, is no longer the past regional closed world, a lot of high-tech is also standing on the shoulders of giants.

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So let's take a look at the important role played by China, or leading the world's high-tech

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5G, China is an absolutely important contributor

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The most sensational technology recently is 5G. In the field of 5G, China is an absolute heavyweight player. The latest 5G standard essential patents, Huawei first, ZTE third, China Information Communications tenth, OPPO eleventh, the United States urgent global attack on China's 5G representative Huawei.

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Therefore, 5G is a high-tech industry that China occupies an important part of, and all Chinese communication companies work together to make China occupy the largest voice in the next generation of mobile communication technology.

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Uhv transmission, China's absolute monopoly of high-tech

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Uhv transmission is known as the \"power highway\". The UHV transmission technology of the State Grid of China is a dust in the world, and at present, basically only China can provide these technologies. China's UHV transmission technology has become an international standard, and the State Grid has led and compiled 19 international standards, and UHV AC voltage has become an international standard voltage.

Uhv means that electricity is delivered using voltage levels of 1000 kV and above. Uhv power transmission is developed on the basis of UHV power transmission, and its purpose is to continue to improve the transmission capacity, achieve high-power medium and long-distance transmission, and solve the imbalance of the national power load.

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Many friends may feel incredible, many friends of the State Grid may feel that this is a monopoly, but in fact, the State Grid is the world's complete power high-tech carrier, the world is almost true, than the kind of cow Huawei.

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Quantum communication, China is definitely ahead

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Quantum communication is a highly efficient and absolutely safe way of communication, and China's quantum communication technology is currently at the world's leading level. With the launch of China's \"Micius\

Quantum communication, using the \"quantum cannot be cloned theorem, quantum indivisible\" characteristics, users in remote places, can share the unconditional security of the key, using the key to carry out a strict encryption of information, to ensure the security of communication. It is also the only known non-wiretapping, non-decipherable distribution method.

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The world's first quantum communication experimental satellite \"Micius\

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Dji drones, China carries forward

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Drones are now widely used in government, security, military, construction and other industries. Originally, drone technology was not invented in China, but China's drone leader DJI company will undoubtedly carry forward drone technology, and is also the world's most successful commercial drone company.

Dji's drone technology is a direct match for similar US companies. On the one hand, the United States always threatens to sanction DJI and does not recommend its government and companies to buy DJI products; On the other hand, the US government and even the military can't manage the US sanctions at all, and they bought DJI's civilian drones. Dji UAV has been absolutely leading in the world

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China comes from behind in supercomputing

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China's supercomputer industry is also the world's leading, and more than half of the world's TOP 500 supercomputers are in China. The United States regained the top of the supercomputer list in 2018, but the United States is still helpless to China's supercomputer in the world, and in order to crack down on China's supercomputer, the United States has opened the next abusive sanctions.

In 2019, in addition to sanctions against Huawei and targeting China's 5G, one of the bad things the United States did was to sanction China's supercomputing companies, and ZhongkeShuguang, Tianjin Haiguang, Chengdu Haiguang Integrated Circuit, Chengdu Haiguang Microelectronics Technology, and Wuxi Jiangnan Institute of Computing Technology were all sanctioned by the United States.

So this is a very interesting thing, to judge whether a company is a high-tech company, look at the sanctions list of the Americans, because the Americans are now specifically targeting threatening high-tech companies, in an attempt to block China's science and technology tree.

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AI, the United States deeply threatened

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Not only the supercomputer, some Chinese AI companies, such as Yitu, are also the target of the Americans, and the Americans have repeatedly threatened to sanction Yitu, Sentang, MegVII, and Cloud Cong. Americans are now very nervous about China's AI technology, and now even Americans refuse to visa to the United States to develop Chinese students learning AI.

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Conclusion, blacksmithing must have real skills, and high technology must rely on hard power

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So we see that the list of Chinese high-tech attacked by the United States is divided into those that China can't do anything about (quantum communication, UHV), those that the United States has mastered the supply chain to China's submission (Huawei, DJI), and those that the United States fears with next-generation technologies (Yitu, SenseTime, etc.).

These companies do not have Ali, Tencent, Baidu, Xiaomi, Lenovo, which are usually the most powerful wind, the packaging of their own technology, very glamorous companies, indicating that the United States feels that the technology of these companies can not pose a threat to the United States, made in China 2025 can not play a key role.

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This is a good thing. This shows that China's real high-tech enterprises are more and more, if all enterprises to play assembly, play packaging cost-effective, China's science and technology is no future, which is of course the United States most like.

China has experienced the following in the field of communication from 1G to 5G, which is the effort of several generations of Chinese communication work. From 1G blank, 2G lags behind, 3G follows, 4G catches up, 5G leads, how much communication is working silently. China is the core standard owner of TD-SCDMA and TD-LTE, and 5G standards account for 30% of the world. Everyone says that China is a monster of infrastructure, great port bridge, urban construction, high-rise buildings, high-speed trains and subways, but these only need to throw money at it, but in the field of communication, money can not be thrown, but also scientists (physics, chemistry, radio frequency communication). 4G changes life, 5G changes society, 5G will bring earth-shaking changes to mankind, which is also the United States and other Western countries do not want to see, so they try to block us. Therefore, I think 5G is the great future of our time.

1. Compass

Compass, ancient called Sinan, the main component is a magnetic needle mounted on the axis, the magnetic needle under the action of the natural geomagnetic field can be freely rotated and maintained in the tangent direction of the magnetic meridian, the North Pole of the magnetic needle points to the north magnetic pole, using this performance can identify the direction.

The invention of the compass should be the result of slow improvement over a very long period of time, and the forms of different periods should appear in different forms. The activity of geomancers in the Tang Dynasty was quite active, and they began to emphasize the choice of direction, and it was urgent to find a more convenient pointing device than the magnetic spoon. So the guide iron fish or tadpole shaped iron pointer and water floating magnetic needle came into being.

Qiu Yanhan, a Shanxi geomancer who was active in the Kaiyuan period of Tang Dynasty (713-741), was regarded by later geomancers as the founder of the earliest of the three geomancer stitches (normal, suture and middle).

2. Paper making

Papermaking is one of the four great inventions of China. Paper is the crystallization of the long-term experience and wisdom of the working people in ancient China, and it is an outstanding invention in the history of human civilization. China is the first country in the world to raise silkworms and weave silk. In ancient China, the working people drew silk and made silk, and the rest of the bad and sick cocoons were taken by bleaching method.

Since ancient times, the working people of China have known how to raise sericulture and reeling silk. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the handicraft industry of making silk wool from cocoon was very popular. This method of treating the secondary cocoon is called the bleaching method, and the basic points of operation include repeated hammering to mash the silkworm's coat. This technique was later developed into beating in paper making. In addition, in ancient China, lime water or wood ash water was commonly used as silk and hemp degumming, and this technology also gave inspiration to the degumming of plant fibers in paper making. Paper was developed with the help of these technologies.

Iii. Gunpowder

Gunpowder, as the name suggests, can be caused by sparks, flames, etc., intense burning agent. According to the record of \"Fan Zi Ye Ran\

By the end of the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder had been used for military purposes. In the first year of Tianyou (904), Yang Xingmi's army besieged Yuzhang, and Zheng (with his troops flying fire, burning Longsha Gate, leading strong men to enter the city first and scorch the body). What is said here (flying fire) is (artillery),(rocket) and so on. (artillery) gunpowder is made into a ring, the suspension line is lit and thrown out by a trebuchet; The rocket is a ball of gunpowder tied to the arrowhead, the fuse is lit and shot with a bow. In the Song Dynasty, wars continued to promote the accelerated development of gunpowder weapons.

4. Printing

Printing is one of the four great inventions of the working people in ancient China. Block printing was invented in the Tang Dynasty and was widely used in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. Bi Sheng of Emperor Renzong of Song invented movable type printing. Although movable type printing appeared in the Song Dynasty, it was not widely used, and block printing was still widely used.

Printing in China has a long history and spread far and wide. It is an important component of Chinese culture; It follows the birth of Chinese culture, along with the development of Chinese culture evolution. If we count from its source, it has gone through four historical periods of source, ancient, modern and contemporary, and has a development course of more than 5,000 years.

In the early days, in order to record events and disseminate experience and knowledge, the Chinese people created early written symbols and sought a medium to record these characters. Due to the limitations of the means of production at that time, people could only use natural objects to record written symbols. For example, characters were carved and written on natural materials such as rock walls, leaves, animal bones, stones, and bark.

5. Seismograph

The seismograph is a masterpiece created by Zhang Heng, a scientist of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, where Zhang Heng lived, earthquakes were more frequent. Zhang Heng has a lot of personal experience of earthquakes, in order to grasp the national earthquake dynamics, he after years of research, and finally in the first year of Yangjia (AD 132) invented the Hou Feng seismograph, which is also the world's first seismograph.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, where Zhang Heng lived, earthquakes were more frequent. According to the Wuxing Annals of the Later Han Dynasty, from the fourth year of Yongyuan (92 AD) to the fourth year of Yanguang (125 AD), there were 26 major earthquakes in more than 30 years. Earthquake areas are sometimes as large as dozens of counties, causing landslides, house collapse, rivers flooding, causing huge losses.

Zhang Heng has a lot of personal experience with earthquakes. In order to master the seismic dynamics of the whole country, he finally invented the Hou Feng seismometer in the first year of Yangjia (AD 132), the first seismometer in the world. At that time, this instrument successfully measured and reported an earthquake in the western region, which aroused the attention of the whole country. This is more than 1,700 years before the history of earthquakes recorded by instruments in Western countries.