TNY275 is a highly integrated switching power supply chip. It has multiple functions such as starting, switching, power management and protection, and is suitable for a variety of applications, such as small chargers, LED drivers, home appliances, industrial controllers, etc.
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The pin voltage of the TNY275 chip is as follows:
1. Drain(D) : Drives the pin of the MOSFET to control the output voltage. This pin voltage is 350V or VAC in normal operation.
2. Source(S) : The source pin of the MOSFET, because it is internally grounded, the internal voltage is 0V.
3. BP\/IMAX: Internal feedback voltage pin, responsible for controlling the output voltage of the controller. This pin voltage is generally between 5V and 30V in normal operation.
4. FB: Internal feedback input pin, used to connect the output voltage feedback resistor and voltage regulator diode, this pin voltage is generally 1.5V in normal operation.
5. VAC: AC input voltage pin, this pin voltage in normal operation is 85VAC to 265VAC.
6. GND: The grounding pin of the chip, which acts as the loop grounding role, and the voltage of this pin is 0V.
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It should be noted that these voltages are only given the approximate range, and the actual voltage needs to be calculated and set according to the specific design.