Method one1. You need to first select the range of the multimeter to the area you want to measure, and the larger range is preferred.2. Insert the red marker into the jack with the...

How to use the multimeter?

Method one

1. You need to first select the range of the multimeter to the area you want to measure, and the larger range is preferred.

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2. Insert the red marker into the jack with the resistance symbol VΩmA on the multimeter, and insert the black marker into the jack with the word COM.

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3, Measure the DC voltage, put the range switch in the DCV gear, and connect the marker to the load signal source according to the polarity (the gear should be within the range of the measured voltage).

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4, measure the size of the household electrical AC voltage, the knob to v AC file. Household voltage is generally 220v, the range is greater than 220v, we choose 750v so safe.

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5, Measure the size of the resistance, the size of the measured resistance will be displayed on the multimeter. Insert the marker into the \"COM\" and \"VΩ\" holes, and rotate the knob to the required range in \"Ω\". Connect the marker to the metal parts at both ends of the resistor. Do not touch both ends of the resistor at the same time, as this will affect the measurement accuracy

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6, the measurement line is off, a buzzer indicates that the line is smooth, no response or 1, indicating that the line is disconnected.

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7, after using the multimeter must be turned off the switch, one is to prevent misoperation to burn the equipment, the second is to prevent long-term power consumption.

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1, in the process of using a multimeter, you can not touch the metal part of the pen with your hand, so on the one hand, you can ensure the accuracy of the measurement, on the other hand, you can also ensure personal safety.

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2, in the measurement of a certain amount of electricity, can not be measured at the same time shift, especially in the measurement of high voltage or high current, more attention should be paid. Otherwise, the multimeter will be damaged. If you need to shift, you should disconnect the marker first, and then measure after shifting.

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3, when the multimeter is used, it must be placed horizontally to avoid error. At the same time, attention should also be paid to avoiding the influence of external magnetic fields on multimeters.

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4, after the multimeter is used, the conversion switch should be placed in the maximum AC voltage. If it is not used for a long time, the battery inside the multimeter should also be removed to avoid battery corrosion of other components in the meter.

1. Open the multimeter, adjust the knob of the multimeter to the detection function, connect the two pen tips, and the multimeter displays the reading. At this time, the multimeter functions normally and can be used.

2, turn the multimeter knob to measure AC voltage function, the value shall not be lower than the minimum value of household AC voltage 220V, use the multimeter pen to point to the position of zero voltage or zero current for mechanical zeroing, the multimeter value is displayed as 0, mechanical zeroing is successful.

3, the two pens respectively contact the fire line and the neutral line of the circuit to be measured, the display will display the measured value, and then measure again, until the value is stable and the measurement is completed.

4, the other use of the multimeter and the measurement voltage is the same.

Multimeter is a multi-functional electronic test instrument, mainly used to measure resistance, voltage, current and other electrical parameters, the following are some basic methods of use:

1. Voltage measurement: Connect the test pen to both ends of the measurement target, adjust the multi-function knob to the DC voltage gear or AC voltage gear, and then read the voltage value.

2. Resistance measurement: Adjust the multifunctional knob to the resistance measurement gear, connect the test pen to both ends of the test target, you can read the resistance value.

3. Current measurement: Adjust the multi-function knob to the DC current gear or AC current gear, insert the multimeter into the circuit, and read the current value.

It should be noted that when using a multimeter, the measurement gear must be correctly selected according to the specific situation to avoid excessive or insufficient measurement errors. In addition, when using a multimeter, pay attention to safety and avoid the occurrence of dangerous situations such as electric shock.

    1, before using the multimeter, should first carry out \"mechanical zero\

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    2, select the correct measuring range: before using a multimeter, you need to select the correct measuring range to ensure that the measuring capacity of the instrument will not be exceeded. Usually, multimeters provide several different measurement ranges, such as voltage measurement ranges of 2V, 20V, 200V, 600V, etc. If the voltage to be measured is between 2V and 20V, the measurement range of 20V should be selected.

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    3. Connect the circuit: Connect the probe of the multimeter to the positive and negative poles of the circuit to be measured to ensure correct connection. Usually, the red probe is connected to the positive electrode and the black probe is connected to the negative electrode.

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    4, select the measurement mode: according to the parameters to be measured select the corresponding measurement mode. For example, if you want to measure voltage, you need to select a voltage measurement mode. If you want to measure current, you need to select a current measurement mode. Usually, multimeters are labeled with corresponding symbols and units to help select the correct measurement mode.

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    5, read the measured value: after connecting the circuit and selecting the correct measurement mode, you can read the measured value displayed on the multimeter. If the measurement range is not selected correctly, or the probe is not connected correctly, it may result in inaccurate or unreadable readings.

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    6, disconnect the circuit and turn off the multimeter: After completing the measurement, you should first disconnect the circuit and then turn off the multimeter. If you do not use the multimeter for a long time, you should unplug the battery to save power.

Multimeter is a commonly used electronic measuring instrument, mainly used to measure voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance and so on. Here is how to use the multimeter:

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1. Select the measurement mode: Select the corresponding measurement mode on the multimeter, such as voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, etc.

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2. Wiring: Insert the measurement lead into the corresponding interface, usually the red interface is positive (), the black interface is negative (-), and then connect the lead to the circuit under test respectively.

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3. Read the measured value: Observe the digital display on the multimeter, and you can directly read the measured value. When measuring resistance, you need to adjust the range to the right position and then read the value.

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4. Precautions: Pay attention to safety when using the multimeter to avoid electric shock or short circuit. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the connection of the interface of the measurement lead and the circuit to ensure that the connection is normal. When measuring, you also need to adjust the range to the right position, otherwise you may damage the instrument.

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The above is the use of multimeter, I hope to help you.

Is to determine the electrical characteristics of the measured item, including voltage and current.
First, place the knob of the tester on the desired indicating device, and then connect the measuring terminals to the positive and negative terminals of the circuit respectively.
Note that the voltage between the positive and negative terminals needs to be controlled within the specified range.
Finally, the circuit parameters are read from the measuring instrument.
In addition to some basic electrical parameters, such as voltage, current, impedance, etc., the multimeter can also measure capacitance, inductance, and even semiconductor devices.
It should be noted that before using a multimeter, check whether the battery of the tester is sufficient, and carefully read and follow all safety rules in the operating manual before use.
In addition, when testing high-voltage circuits, it is also necessary to use the isolation measurement mode in the test instrument to ensure personal safety.