芯片烧录设备ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:01 30
The biggest difference between OTP and mask mask is that the amount of mask is large, and the amount of OTP is small. OTP (One Time Programable is a memory type of MCU, meaning on...

What are OTP disposable programmable voice chips?

The biggest difference between OTP and mask mask is that the amount of mask is large, and the amount of OTP is small. OTP (One Time Programable) is a memory type of MCU, meaning one-time programmable: after the program is burned into the IC, it will not be changed again; Therefore, OTP voice chip refers to a one-time burning voice IC. From the definition of OTP, and can only burn a voice chip, while everyone knows that OTP has no minimum number limit, as long as the customer provides sound, ring core OTP voice chip IC company to the sound processing and programming through the burning tool burned into the OTP chip. This method is the most common OTP burning method, generally can only burn 1 or 5-10 pieces at a time, depending on the burning tool. The burning efficiency is relatively low, the labor cost is high, and at the same time, the package chip can only be burned (the bare piece is very small, it can not be burned directly), so that the cost of a package cost. The ring core and the OTP bare chip are OTP voice chips. In the IC production process, the processed sound and program are directly produced into the IC (similar to the mask chip process, but the OTP customer delivery time is generally only 10 days, the mask is about 30 days, because OTP is originally an improved mask chip, the nature of the storage ROM is different), eliminating manual burning and some other links, the price is the same Yeah, it's a lot lower.