芯片烧录设备ichaiyang 2024-05-10 1:00 17
1, first connect the data line of the burner, and put the corresponding IC base into the burner; Power on the computer and burner.2. Run the burning software: double-click the icon...

Shengquan chip burning method?

1, first connect the data line of the burner, and put the corresponding IC base into the burner; Power on the computer and burner.

2. Run the burning software: double-click the icon GANG-08 with the mouse (different burning seats correspond to different burning software). 3, select the IC brand: when the program appears and start the picture, click the device menu, call up the IC brand selection table, then select the corresponding brand to burn the IC, and then click OK;

4. Select the IC model: At this time, the IC model produced by IC company will be burned, select the IC model and click Run; At this point, if you want to select a jumper, please press the computer prompt jumper. After the jumper, click OK. If there is no jumper on the burning seat, enter the burning interface directly;

5, Go to the software to burn: click the menu File, select LoADFileTogrommmerbufer, then select the software to burn, click open, then select 00, click OK.

6. Check the software checksum (bufferchecksum): After transferring to the software, there will be a four-digit check code after bufferchecksum, which corresponds to the check code notified by the electronic design file, indicating that the software to be burned is correct. If it is incorrect, report it to the relevant department immediately.

7. Burning software: Click the Program button, load the IC to be burned into the IC base, and press the burning button on the base after installation. After the burning is complete, OK is displayed if the burning was successful, and a red Error character is displayed if the burning failed. The indicator of each burner corresponding to the burning OKIC lights up, indicating that the IC is successfully burned.

8. Mark the burn record, put a sticker on the IC of the burn record OK, if the burn record fails, put it back in the other burn record seat, re-burn the record, determine the IC damage, put it in the bad product box and mark it.

The burning method of Shengquan chip includes the following steps:
Select MCU model: Select the appropriate MCU model according to the project requirements.
Load client code: Load the written program code into the MCU through the programmer or burner.
Select ISP CODE: Select an ISP CODE based on the MCU model.
Set ISP Space: The ISP Space must be set to 1K to ensure correct burning.
Configure the AUX_RAM option: If XRAM is used, it must be checked. Customers are advised to check whether it is used or not.
Press Auto key to burn software: Click Auto key, the burning software will automatically burn operation.
Check the burn result: In the information box, you can see if the burn is correct. It should be noted that different MCU models may have different burning methods and steps, so it is necessary to carefully read the chip manual in actual operation to ensure the correctness of the operation. At the same time, in order to avoid unexpected situations, it is recommended to back up the data before burning, and ensure that the power supply is stable and reliable.